Over 400 machines in stock
We supply new and used Woodworking machinery throughout the UK, we carry around 400 woodworking machines from most of the major machinery manufacturers.

New Woodworking Machines
New woodworking machines supplied include: Sedgwick, Minimax and SCM, Omec dovetailers (a dovetail machine), Kreg pocket drills, Putsch meniconi wallsaws (vertical panel saws), Volpato profile sanders, Stromab crosscuts, Morso guillotines, Technomax and Centauro bandsaws, Wegoma and Steff power feed units, Inventair dust extractors and Camvac dust extraction units. We also sell complete dust extraction systems.
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Our Picks for New Machines
Used Woodworking Machines
New woodworking machines supplied include: Sedgewick, Minimax and SCM, Omec dovetailers (a dovetail machine), Kregg pocket drills, Putsch meniconi wallsaws (vertical panel saws), Volpato profile sanders, Stromab crosscuts, Morso guillotines, Technomax and Centauro bandsaws, Wegoma and Steff power feed units, Inventair dust extractors and Camvac dust extraction units. We also sell complete dust extraction systems.
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